Orchestral Excerpts for 2024-25 Auditions
Excerpts are available via Google Docs. Once you click the link below, there is a download button on TOP RIGHT which you can use to download or print the PDF excerpts. If the document doesn’t print directly from the webpage, please DOWNLOAD first then print using Reader or Preview.

  • If you’d like to be considered for multiple ensembles, please prepare ALL of the OLDER ensemble’s required excerpts and ONE excerpt (of your choice, unless specified) from the YOUNGER ensemble’s required excerpts.
    • Exceptions are for Chamber Strings, Preparatory Strings, and Future Stars: For these three orchestras, please only prepare the OLDER ensemble’s requirements.
  • NOTE: Musicians and private teachers are free to adjust the bowings as needed.

**Please double-check which ensemble you are eligible for and prepare the correct excerpts.

To download the Excerpts, please click on the PLUS or the Ensemble names below.
If you are having any issues accessing the files, please contact us directly.

Strings Only Ensemble: Grades 2 – 4

Strings Only Ensemble: Grades 3 – 5

Strings Only Ensemble: Grades 4 – 6

Note that the Concert Orchestra auditions are COMBINED AUDITIONS with Young Artists. If you’d like to be considered for JUST Concert Orchestra, you can prepare the below excerpts. (If you’d like consideration for BOTH Young Artists/Concert Orchestra, prepare the Young Artists excerpts)

Strings: Grades 6 – 8

Winds/Brass/Percussion: Grades 6 – 8

Strings: Grades 6 – 8

Winds/Brass/Percussion: Grades 6 – 9

Strings: Grades 8 – 9

Winds/Brass/Percussion: Grades 8 – 10

Strings Only Ensemble: Grades 9 – 10

Strings Only Ensemble: Grades 10 – 12

Below Small Ensemble’s audition requires excerpts:

Junior Flute Choir

Senior Flute Choir

Clarinet Choir